Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Holiday Season

So this is the time for craziness with the shopping and running around like mad! This year on am on the quest of finding the right gift that will not end up in the back of the closet with the other stuff that I have given in the past. So this year I am looking to technology to see if I can find the right way to track what and where I spend, who I give to and if you see them utilize it in the next six months or not.... so far this is a spreadsheet with hyperlinks.... LOL not very advanced but it does work....

The other big push is to be sure to spend at least 15 minutes a day sourcing for new toys regarding recruiting tools and information that will be helpful to bank for the next huge run on candidates and resume requirements....

This is all in conjunction with studying for a test that will make an impact for my career as a whole. December 8th is the make it or break it day..... I have been remiss in updating this blog due to every free moment focusing on this test... so wish me lots of luck and I will be back on the ninth with great news and updates!

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